Saturday, November 03, 2007

Since this is the off season, and this is my race blog, I haven't had much to write about. I could post about my daily school activities but I know nobody wants to read about that. The only thing I'll say about this semester of school is that it's kicking my ass. I'm trying to cram in all my fourth year english classes to get them out of the way to leave me with easy classes to finish my degree, but I didn't think about the stupid amount of term papers I'd have to write this fall. Some off season eh.

Besides school I have been having a little fun. I did some surfing last weekend, something I plan on doing a lot more of in the future. The surf season works in well with the race season since the best waves are found in the fall in Nova Scotia. Also I've been getting in some night mountain bike rides. Riding at night is way more fun then riding in the daytime. Tomorrow is the start of the cyclocross series in Halifax, I had my cross bike out of a rip yesterday, and with the forcasted tropical storm tonight and tomorrow morning, the cross race should be an interested afair.

Here are some pics from my fall so far

Night riding with the Halifax crew.

Out of my comfort zone in the woods. It's amazing how much techincal skill you lose by not mountain biking in a couple years. I feel like a beginnner in the woods now.

Waiting for the big waves. Or the waves were big and I was waiting for them to get smaller. The more salt water you drink the better it tastes.